Public relations expert Daniel Görs, owner of PR SEO content marketing consultancy Görs Communications, explains what PR consultants actually do and what to look out for in professional and good Public Relations advice
“What does a professional PR consultant do?” is one of those questions that makes many a PR consultant wish by now that they had become a teacher, doctor or garbage collector. After all, these are not usually asked about it, as pretty much every one has a clear idea of what their job description is. In the case of PR consulting ( public relations consulting), however, this is clearly different. If you were to ask Germans what a PR consultant does, the two most common answers would probably be: “A PR consultant does something with image” and “A PR consultant does something with media”.
Both answers are correct at first (in public relations consulting, one undoubtedly also deals with image and media), but they fall far short of the mark. The range of services offered by the various public relations consultancies (also known as “PR agencies”) in Germany is considerably more complex, although this is of course further subdivided according to the respective PR consultants and their respective specializations.
In Germany, for example, there are a large number of PR consultants who specialize in “Personality PR”. They make sure that their “celebrities” or “wealthy clients” are perceived by the public as much as possible in their favor – for example, by specifically influencing the media. This job of the PR consultant is perhaps even the best known in Germany, but the bottom line is that very few PR consultants work in this field. It is also more about promotion and publicity than public relations (PR).
Another large area of activity for a PR consultant is politics (and related areas such as NGOs or lobby organizations). The transition from public relations to public affairs is fluid here; as a rule, PR consultants are responsible for steering the image of politicians in the right direction, ensuring attention and placing the relevant issues in the public discourse. Here, too, comparatively few PR consultants are active; this is often the domain of former politicians, journalists and lobbyists.
A third PR area is public relations for companies, organizations and business-related services and products. This is an area in which the marketing PR SEO consultancy Görs Communications (HanseBelt / Hamburg / Lübeck / Baltic Sea) is also active. And this area is by far the largest field of work for PR consultants, from brand, corporate and human resources to product PR. It is such a large area that hardly any public relations consultancy can cover all sub-areas at the same time, which is why there are a large number of specializations here as well. It is pointless to list everything, and it would probably not do justice to the services provided by our colleagues in the other PR consultancies, which is why we are now briefly outlining the range of services provided by our PR consultancy / communications consultancy as an example.
The Görs Communications PR SEO Content Marketing consulting ( ) in Lübeck / Schleswig-Holstein / HanseBelt Region / Hamburg offers among other things:
The range of services, know-how and experience of PR consulting Görs Communications covers several areas. As a public relations consultancy, we focus on companies, organizations and start-ups from the business-to-business (B2B) sector, the real estate industry, financial services, the Internet and media, as well as the process industry.
The experienced PR SEO consultant Daniel Görs, owner of PR SEO Content Marketing Consulting Görs Communications, focuses on the following communication and marketing areas:
Analysis. Görs Communications analyzes – often as the first step in public relations consulting – the PR and communications measures taken to date. Where are the strengths, where are the weaknesses, where is there a need for optimization, where can the most be achieved with the least amount of resources? The last point in particular is of decisive importance for our PR consulting, as we believe that it is easy to achieve a lot with a lot of money, but that the great art is to achieve a great benefit with little money.
Conception. Our PR consultancy prepares a concept of future communication measures in consultation with the client and according to the budget. The concept can either be limited to the classic PR area. Or it can cover the entire communication area, from advertising and media placements to (customer) events, social media activities, online marketing, SEO and SEA. The focus is usually placed on cross-media activities, since using multiple channels significantly reduces the amount of work (and thus the costs) per channel.
Strategy. If required, the PR consultancy Görs Communications will develop a strategy for your communication measures based on short-, medium- and long-term goals. Where does the company come from, where do you want it to be in ten years, what image should it have, what level of awareness should it achieve, what target group should and must be developed?
Consulting. Görs Communications is not only a proven “sparring partner” for various clients, but also advises them on (almost) all PR and communications issues. As external partners, our PR consultants look at the individual communication measures from the outside and point out the deficits and strengths. In addition, the PR consultants contribute their extensive know-how in order to make the company’s communication as efficient and target-oriented as possible.
Measures implemented by the PR consulting firm:
Görs Communications implements quite a few PR measures in the consulting mandate for clients, including:
Press and media relations / “classic PR”: The PR consultants at Görs Communications have the necessary press contacts and press distribution lists to give the press work the necessary momentum. This ranges from press releases, background discussions, interviews, press conferences to specially placed editorial articles.
Media planning and media placements: If desired, our communications and PR consultancy can also handle the placement of advertisements: in print and online. Görs Communications is particularly strong in Google AdWords ads and social media advertising, where various clients trust the expertise of the PR and marketing consultancy.
Content marketing: The PR consultants at Görs Communications not only know what makes good content, they also produce it. Whether the content is intended for the website, the blog or another channel, we deliver the content that successfully attracts the target group.
SEO and PR-SEO: If you do not appear on the first page of Google search results, you practically do not exist. Our PR consultants are experts in the field of search engine optimization. And that onpage and offpage, we optimize the website and provide the necessary backlinks and numerous (positive) search hits on the Internet. Closely related to this is (online) reputation management as a further focus of PR consulting.
Digital Relations / Online PR / PR 2.0: As specialists in online communication, the marketing and PR consultancy Görs Communications, based in Hamburg and Lübeck, ensures a good reputation and the necessary awareness on the net – worldwide.
Social media as part of marketing and PR consulting: Görs Communications helps companies with the analysis, conception and strategy of the respective social media activities – and takes over the consulting and support; whether Twitter, Xing, Facebook or LinkedIn.
Would you like to learn more about the marketing and PR consulting services of Görs Communications? Then simply contact us:
The consultancy for PR, SEO, content, marketing and digitalization Görs Communications (Lübeck / Baltic Sea / Hamburg / HanseBelt region) ensures customer acquisition, better image, increased awareness and sales through PR, SEO, marketing and media.
As a digital, marketing and business consultancy, as an agency and as a coach for public relations (PR), search engine optimization (SEO), marketing and digitalization, we help our customers to achieve much more with optimized communication and modern marketing: More sales, more customers, more awareness, more attention, clear positioning, clever marketing, professional PR.
We focus on what we do best: Communications, Consulting, Content and Coaching. For everything else, we draw on our experienced and resilient network of experts, which has grown over decades.
We love and live Hanseatic values. Sustainability and profitability are and remain our maxims. That is why our clients have valued us for many years as consultants, coaches and sparring partners at eye level. Especially in Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein, but also beyond Northern Germany.
The experienced PR expert Daniel Görs teaches PR basics and enables companies and organizations, entrepreneurs and self-employed people to carry out their public relations and public relations work themselves through “do-it-yourself PR”.
Görs Communications – PR Content Marketing
Daniel Görs
Westring 97
23626 Lübeck-Ratekau
Phone: 080046377266
Görs Communications – PR, Medien-, Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Daniel Görs
Westring 97
23626 Lübeck-Ratekau
Phone: 080046377266
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